Grepping scala transitive dependencies
April 1, 2021
If you’re looking for some string in scala dependencies (which the IDE doesn’t index as far as I’m aware), and you have bloop build server available, you can use this jq
# with xargs
jq -r < .bloop/*.json '(.project.resolution.modules // []) | map(.artifacts | map(select(.classifier == "sources") | .path)[])[]' | sort -u | xargs -rL1 sh -c 'zipgrep PATTERN "$1" && echo from: "$1"' sh
# with GNU parallel
jq -r < .bloop/*.json '(.project.resolution.modules // []) | map(.artifacts | map(select(.classifier == "sources") | .path)[])[]' | sort -u | parallel -P4 -N1 'sh -c "zipgrep PATTERN \$1 && echo from: \$1" sh'
# or as a function:
bloopgrep() { jq -r < .bloop/*.json '(.project.resolution.modules // []) | map(.artifacts | map(select(.classifier == "sources") | .path)[])[]' | sort -u | pattern="$1" parallel -P8 -N1 'sh -c "zipgrep \"\$pattern\" \"\$1\" && echo -e \"from: \$1\n\"" sh' 2&>1 | grep -v zip.bomb }
This may prove useful for finding rougue print statements or something else, possibly… Good luck!