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A simple exercise in lambda calculus

May 18, 2015

Today I was talking with my brother about generic data types and the list type [a] with the intent of eventually showing him the generic sum type Either. I mentioned that the definition of list doesn’t care what it’s storing, while simultaneously showing the type of haskell’s cons function :.

:t (:)
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
1 : [2]

He sort of wondered could you do something of [2] : 1 sort to get [2,1]. Although he readily remembered about (++), a couple of minutes passed and I came up with a definition that did the same thing with : and friends.

let f = (reverse . ) . (flip (:)) . reverse
[1..5] `f` 6

Being largely unaware of the horrors of pointfree tricks at the time, he wondered why it worked. Knowing he had some knowledge of lambda calculus, I gave him the challenge of unraveling the definition, finding the beta-equivalent version of it using beta reduction, the definitions of flip and .1 while taking currying into account.

And then I watched him struggle! In the end he did, in fact, come up with the right one, surprisingly. And now I thought — mustn’t be too hard, should it? And so I set out to try it myself.

Here you can see the process extracted from the ghci session, with some redundant whitespace for easier comprehension.

let f = (reverse . ) . (flip (:)) . reverse
:t f
f :: [a] -> a -> [a]

:t         (reverse . ) .        (flip (:)) . reverse
:t         (reverse . ) . (\x -> (flip (:)) (reverse x))
:t (\y ->  (reverse . )  ((\x -> (flip (:)) (reverse x)) y))
:t (\y ->   reverse .    ((\x -> (flip (:)) (reverse x)) y))
:t (\y z -> reverse     (((\x -> (flip (:)) (reverse x)) y) z))

Let’s remove some of that whitespace now.

:t (\y z -> reverse (((\x -> (flip (:)) (reverse x)) y) z))
:t (\y z -> reverse (((\x ->  flip (:)  (reverse x)) y) z))
:t (\y z -> reverse ((        flip (:)  (reverse y)   ) z))
:t (\y z -> reverse ((flip (:) (reverse y)) z))   -- whitespace only
:t (\y z -> reverse  (z : (reverse y)))           -- steps ommited

Now, we could use haskell’s $2 to get rid of parentheses. To do that, we first prove f x = $ f x with z = id z and eta conversion.

f x = id f x = (\f -> f) f x
(\f -> f) f x
(\f -> (\x -> f x)) f x -- eta conversion
(\f x -> f x) f x       -- shorthand
($) f x = f $ x         -- haskell allows infix syntax

Using the above theorem and given that $ is applied last:

:t (\y z -> reverse   (z : (reverse y)))
:t (\y z -> reverse $ (z : (reverse y)))
:t (\y z -> reverse $  z : (reverse y))
(\y z -> reverse $ z : (reverse y)) :: [a] -> a -> [a]

Does it work too?

let g = (\y z -> reverse $ z : (reverse y))
[1..5] `g` 6

Great! That was a pretty lovely exercise.

  1. Definitions of . and flip along with anonymous versions.

    (f . g) x  = f (g x)
    . = λf g x → f (g x)
    . is also associative
    flip    f x y → f y x
    flip = λf x y → f y x
  2. Definition of $ along with anonymous versions.

    f $ x    = f (g x)
    $ = λf x → f x