Cloning setups
February 28, 2013
At my job, we’ve got a bunch of monitoring servers. I had set up one, that’s quite minimal and simple. And since what’s simple is also small it’d be quite easy to clone it.
How I cloned it through the network after spinning up a livecd of some linux:
1. Clone the partition table:
sfdisk -d /dev/sda > table # on the existing setup
2. Creating a partition table:
sfdisk /dev/sda < table # on remote host's live OS
3. Make a filesystem:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 # And any others, if needed.
4. Mount the target partition on /mnt on the remote host
5. Install and start ssh daemon.
6. Copy the files:
rsync -aAXv --compress --compress-level=9 root@
7. Reset the boot loader’s code:
grub-install /dev/sda
(8.) reboot and you’re done! You’ve got a cloned linux setup!